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  • Dec 16, 2014
    CSL Behring announced today it has submitted a biologics license application (BLA) to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the marketing authorization of its long-acting fusion protein linking recombinant coagulation factor IX with recombinant albumin (rIX-FP). Once approved by the FDA, rIX-FP (Coagulation Factor IX {Recombinant}, Albumin Fusion Protein) will provide people with hemophilia B and their physicians a long-acting treatment option with dosing intervals up to 14 days.

    16 Dec 2014 CSL Behring announced today it has submitted a biologics license application (BLA) to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the marketing authorization of its...

  • Dec 8, 2014
    Wheezing, shortness of breath and chronic bronchitis are often associated with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, they are also symptoms of a serious genetic form of emphysema called Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, also known as Alpha-1.

    08 Dec 2014 Wheezing, shortness of breath and chronic bronchitis are often associated with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, they are also symptoms of a serious...

  • Dec 4, 2014
    CSL Behring’s parent company CSL Limited (ASX:CSL) has issued its annual corporate responsibility report – “Our Corporate Responsibility 2014.” The report details the global biopharmaceutical company’s performance across key priority areas from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 – recording another strong performance led by CSL Behring.

    04 Dec 2014 CSL Behring’s parent company CSL Limited (ASX:CSL) has issued its annual corporate responsibility report – “Our Corporate Responsibility 2014.” The report details the global...

  • Dec 4, 2014
    CSL Behring announced today that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has approved the amended product labeling for Hizentra®, Immune Globulin Subcutaneous (Human), 20% Liquid. The new label provides the ability to individualize treatment with flexible dosing – to administer Hizentra at intervals from daily to once every two weeks (biweekly).

    04 Dec 2014 CSL Behring announced today that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has approved the amended product labeling for Hizentra®, Immune Globulin Subcutaneous (Human), 20% Liquid. The new...

  • Dec 1, 2014
    CSL Behring today announced that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has extended the new technology add-on payment (NTAP) for Kcentra® (Prothrombin Complex Concentrate [Human]) through September 2015 for eligible Medicare beneficiaries treated in the inpatient hospital setting. Kcentra, the first and only non-activated 4-factor prothrombin complex concentrate (4F-PCC) approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is indicated for the urgent reversal of acquired coagulation factor deficiency induced by Vitamin K antagonist (VKA, e.g., warfarin) therapy in adult patients with acute major bleeding or in need of an urgent surgery or invasive procedure. Kcentra, first approved for use in the U.S. in April 2013, received its NTAP designation effective October 1, 2013.

    01 Dec 2014 CSL Behring today announced that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has extended the new technology add-on payment (NTAP) for Kcentra® (Prothrombin Complex...

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